Unleashing the Word

Unleashing the Word

by Max McLean and Warren Bird
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 03/11/2009

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Modern society is awash in words. An auditory tidal wave cascades from our televisions, radios, media players, and the Internet. Today’s distracted worshippers often feel spiritually shortchanged when the Scriptures are spoken without passion and power. This lively and encouraging resource is the collaboration of a gifted Bible narrator and a mentor to church leaders. In it they show how churches can train their own teams of Scripture readers. These laypeople can—with enthusiasm, conviction, and passion—”unleash the Word of God,” and prepare hearts to receive the message. Spoken well, the Word of God opens and penetrates the listener’s heart. Simple, straightforward, and culturally relevant, this unique book provides the necessary tools to teach you how to read the Bible aloud, in a way that communicates its life-changing power!

Christian liturgy
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Warren Bird

Warren Bird (PhD, Fordham University) is vice president of research for the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA.org). He draws from twenty years of experience of pastoring and seminary teaching. He is an award - winning researcher and writer, having co-authored more than thirty books for church leaders. He and his college sweetheart wife live just outside of New York City.

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