Maintenance is the routine repairing work, required to keep the vehicle in good condition so that it can be Utilized for designed capacity and efficiency.
Repair is the restoration of the vehicle to a condition substantially equal to its original condition by changing Parts (or) by reconditioning it.
Objectives of maintenance system
To keep the vehicle available for protective work for maximum period.
To extract optimum life for the vehicle.
To get maximum utilization of vehicle at minimum cost.
Scheduled maintenance system:-
In this system, servicing of the vehicle is done at pre determined time interval, in order to avoid breakdown of the vehicle
Un Scheduled maintenance:-
In this system, servicing or repairing work is done only after the vehicle breakdown.
Advantages of scheduled maintenance:-
It reduces cost of operation It renders work scheduling easy. It reduces starting problem. Control of store inventory easy.......
This book has been written for the Medical/Pharmacy/Nursing/ME/M.TECH/BE/B.Tech students of All University with latest syllabus for ECE, EEE, CSE, IT, Mechanical, Bio Medical, Bio Tech, BCA, MCA and All B.Sc Department Students.
The basic aim of this book is to provide a basic knowledge in Vehicle Maintenance.
Vehicle Maintenance Syllabus students of degree, diploma & AMIE courses and a useful reference for these preparing for competitive examinations.
All the concepts are explained in a simple, clear and complete manner to achieve progressive learning.
This book is divided into five chapters. Each chapter is well supported with the necessary illustration practical examples.
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