Vengeance Is Mine Alone is a crime drama about a loner, Roger who plans the destruction of a criminal gang known as the Demon Crew who abduct his girlfriend, gang rapes her, and leaves her to die from severe head injuries. Initially, Roger is the main person of interest for the police, but the wheels of justice move far too slowly for Roger. After nearly killing one of the members of the gang in a legal cage fight the gang attempt to put out a contract on him. Roger aided by his mate Tamati who is unaware of Roger's plans to turn a wreck of an old Bedford truck into a weapon of destruction, help set Roger's plan in motion. Roger recruits the gang leader's half-sister Tequila as a spy in the gang's camp. To Roger's horror, Josh, the gang leader, escapes Roger's retribution and murders his half-sister for her part in Roger's plan. Josh seeks out Roger in an act of utu (revenge). Josh is killed in the gunfight leaving Roger to face the consequences of his actions.
- 9781005671938
- 9781005671938
- Category:
- Thriller / suspense
- Publication Date:
- 06-10-2020
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Alan Williamson
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