Vitamin B: Essential Element of Life

Vitamin B: Essential Element of Life

by IntroBooks Team
Publication Date: 02/12/2019

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B vitamins belong to a set of water-soluble vitamins or say aclass of water-soluble vitamins. B vitamins are important in cellmetabolism. Cells are most essential part of our human body,since our body is made of different kinds of cells, which makesB vitamins essential for humans. There are a number of Bvitamins. These vitamins are members of the set B vitamins.Almost each of them holds similar names. However, they haveproven to be different in their chemical characteristics andbehavior. Scientific research has proven this true. It is possible,that several B vitamins can be acquired through a single fooditem. There are eight vitamins in total, which fall under thecategory of B vitamin or are members of the set of B vitamins.It is possible that a single food item (Scientifically known asdietary supplement) consist of all eight B vitamins. Such dietarysupplement is known as vitamin B complex. Individual Bvitamins are separated by giving them unique names accordingto their characteristics and chemical behavior. Following is a listof these B vitamins:Vitamin B1Vitamin B2Vitamin B3Vitamin B5Vitamin B6Vitamin B7Vitamin B9Vitamin B12These B vitamins are divided into two categories. First one isCofactor, (known as coenzyme) and second one precursor.Cofactors are responsible for handling various metabolicprocesses of various cells in the human body. On the otherhand, precursors are responsible for the creation of metabolicprocesses and Cofactors.

Dietetics & nutrition
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