Walls of Lilliput

Walls of Lilliput

by Ben Wright
Publication Date: 04/04/2022

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“The relationship between religion and politics is often perceived as that of water and oil. Compassionately, yet courageously, the author allows the characters in the book to show us the Walls of Lilliput - the Beautiful Lies behind politics, and the Ugly Truths behind religion. The yearning of the characters for Politics and Religion to once more be made Beautiful and Truthful, is a compelling spiritual vision throughout the book. The reader is invited into this world and becomes a character interpreting our past and reimaging the future in the present. Ben masterfully uses everyday language, humour, ordinary places, names and people to gently, yet authentically welcome the reader into a place of vulnerability, self-confrontation, and self-examination. This is a risky place, yet necessary for self-healing and transformation.

This book should be read by everyone serious about contributing to the change we wish to see in our homes, communities, and country.

The invaluable role of the Church as an agent of healing and transformation, is highlighted throughout this book.”

- Rev Dr H Leon Klein

DpEd; DpTh; BA Hons(Theo); MA,PhD (Fam Therapy.); University Lecturer; Ordained Minister; Head of National Counselling Centre Development Ministry (NCCDM), Motivational Speaker; Writer.

About the author

Ben Wright: Social and Education Activist, Teacher; Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellor.

Religious & spiritual fiction
Publication Date:
Ben Wright

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