Warlpiri Encyclopaedic Dictionary

Warlpiri Encyclopaedic Dictionary

by Mary LaughrenKenneth Hale Jeannie Egan Nungarrayi and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/12/2022

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Warlpiri is a language of the Tanami Desert area of the Northern Territory of Australia. Hundreds of Warlpiri speakers from the main Warlpiri communities of Yuendumu, Willowra, Lajamanu, Nyirrpi and Alekarenge have contributed to the Warlpiri Dictionary, which has been more than 50 years in the making.

It contains Warlpiri words with English translations; instructive example sentences rich with Warlpiri history and cultural practices; detailed flora and fauna information; more than 500 illustrations, plus colour photographs; and maps of Warlpiri country. With an English word finder, and a guide to Warlpiri grammar and to the complex vocabulary for family relations this dictionary is essential for both beginner and advanced speakers of Warlpiri, translators and interpreters, and for anyone interested in learning more about Warlpiri language and culture.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Aboriginal Studies Press
David Nash

David Nash is a verifiable preparedness MacGyver.

He is both an academically trained professional emergency manager as well as a personal prepper.

Nash is also an urban homesteader who raises a variety of animals, bees, and plants in a small suburban yard.

Jane Simpson

Jane Simpson has had her own private practice for 22 years where she treats patients with all forms of incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction.

She is a member of The Pelvic Floor Society, The Association for Continence Advice and The International Continence Society.

This is her first book which she hopes will spread the word on a global scale that pelvic floor dysfunction is curable and does not need to be life changing or limiting.

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