Wastewater Engineering: Design of Water Resource Recovery Facilities (MOP 8 Series) provides the reader with the up-to-date knowledge and tools required to design water resource recovery facilities. It serves as both a textbook for senior level and graduate students in civil engineering and a reference work. The scope of coverage and the classroom-friendly features, such as learning objectives and example problems, makes it an excellent tool for students transitioning from academia to practice, and it remains an essential resource for practitioners. Written by a team of professors and consultants and put through a rigorous industry review, Wastewater Engineering provides vital WRRF design information to an engineer at every stage of their education and career.
- 9781572784505
- 9781572784505
- Water supply & treatment
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Water Environment Federation
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