An electrifying journey into the glamorous yet secretive world of celebrity styling in Beverly Hills. For Fans of "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Crazy Rich Asians," this novel offers a thrilling peek behind the curtain of fame, embellished with the intrigue and opulence that define high society.
In this mesmerizing novel, Erica Peeples invites readers into the opulent yet treacherous world of Monica Stevens, a renowned celebrity stylist in Beverly Hills. At Shear Elegance, Monica not only crafts the images of the elite but also becomes entangled in their web of secrets. When a mysterious note disrupts her luxurious life, Monica, alongside Detective Lara Kim, unravels a narrative rife with betrayal, ambition, and resilience. This tale is a captivating blend of high-stakes drama and the deceptive dynamics of the beauty industry, masterfully painted by Peeples. "Wealth is Quiet, Rich is Loud, Poor is Flashy" is an immersive and bold testament to the complexities of celebrity culture and the human psyche.
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