Regardless of where you are in life, you have worked hard to obtain and maintain your finances. Even though you may be your own worst critic, I'm positive you're doing well by your peers' standards. However, what good is it to make money and then use it to feed a cycle of debt and poor habits? You need an effective strategy that will guide you on how to manage your finances and build wealth.
Wealthcare University: A Transition To Financial Freedom was created to help you gain control over your money and learn some tips and tricks about the investing game, while delving into the deeper meaning of wealth, relationships, fulfillment, and legacy. Offering his personal journey on how he has gained financial freedom, Negus Royce Wheeler has taken mounds of financial information and written in a way so that each reader can understand. With this book as a guide, those who are seeking financial freedom will be able to develop a system that will unlock the door to financial freedom and walk into wealth.
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