A strange creature grows in a garden. An android mothers a child. A student becomes enamored with her work. A Spanish inquisitor confronts evil. An immigrant comes to a haunted mansion. A group of teenagers goes camping in the woods.
Stories by Eliza Browning, Laura DeHaan, Trent Hudley, Mahiro Saeki, Ndaba Sibanda, and Adam Slavny. Translation by Toshiya Kamei. This issue illustrated by Sue Choi.
Welkin is magazine of fantastic literature, a journal devoted to the obscure and the outré, to narrowing the gap between realist literary fiction and more traditional and fantastic modes of narrative. We specifically publish work in the magical realist, fabulist, fairy tale, fantasy, gothic, metafictional, slipstream, fantastic, weird, surrealist, and experimental genres. We seek a movement away from plotless, quotidian tales in favor of the imaginative and the gripping.
We feature a variety of stories which could be considered either realist or “genre” pieces, unified by the gnawing sensation of awe and wonder that they leave. The great joy of fantastic literature is its utterly amorphous boundary, which has the tendency to shift behind a reader’s back like a shadow unwatched.
For more fantastic literature, visit https://welkinmag.com/
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