by David Harrison
Publication Date: 04/01/2024

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In his book, WHAT DOES LOVE REQUIRE OF ME?, David strives to find what God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit would convey to us about the topic of homosexuality and, specifically, how church leaders should be handling the topic with their congregations. An extraordinarily challenging task in these prophetic times.

Navigating around legalism, David writes, "Grace is my favourite word in all of Scripture, quite simply because I have received so much of it. Grace is the one thing that keeps me running back to God. Grace overwhelms me, amazes me, and delights me. There is only one single-word description that comes anywhere close to describing God. Grace. Grace is love taken to the nth power. Omnipotence, omniscience, eternal, etc. are words that are unfathomable to the human mind, but not grace. Grace is experiential.

Along with grace are all the other attributes of God. When we consider the topic of homosexuality and interacting with the gay community we cannot, and must not, ignore a single one of God's other attributes - even if grace is, from a human perspective, the overarching pinnacle of His attributes.

I recently read the book, Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World, by Pastor Andy Stanley. In this ‘must-read’ book, Andy asks the question, “What does love require of me?” It is a question that has been haunting me since the moment I read it. Concerning the topic of sexuality and God’s people, I believe this question is so important, and the challenge so significant, it is included in the header at the top of each page—to be a ‘constant reminder’ as we seek the right answers to some very challenging questions.

David noted that while in the process of searching for an appropriate cover illustration, he stumbled across a photo of Michelangelo’s Pietà, a depiction of the dead body of Jesus Christ in His mother’s arms. It reminded him that from the very beginning, Jesus’ mother, Mary, (see Luke 1:38) and Jesus (see John 13:1) were both all in, nothing held back.

This leads to the naturally introspective question, “Am I all in?” How one chooses to answer this question will naturally lead to the beliefs one holds and the actions one expresses - Pietà [compassion] specifically.

David hopes that, in reading this book, and by taking the referenced Scriptures to heart, church leaders will find direction and encouragement in how to handle issues of homosexuality in their congregations.

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David Harrison

David Harrison was born in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England but spent half his life in London and SE England before moving to Sydney, Australia in 1981 and becoming an Australian citizen.

After retiring from a career in scientific research which entailed writing and publishing many scientific papers and reports, David decided he’d like to try his hand at creative writing and took a course with the poet Kate Llewellyn.

With Kate’s encouragement he started writing poetry. He was a member of the Central Coast Poets from 2004 until moving to Canberra recently and had poems published in their anthologies, as well as in Five Bells and the Quadrant Magazine.

His poem ‘Poor Man Hiro’ was awarded second prize in the Henry Kendal Poetry Award 2012 and his poem ‘In Praise of Grey’ was awarded first prize in the Free Verse Category competition of the University of the third age, Sunshine Coast. His first book of poems, ‘Songs of the Exile’ (Ginninderra Press) was published in 2017.

David is married to June from whom Paul inherits his artistic talent. Their daughter Sita has inherited David’s scientific interests.

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