What Really Happened

What Really Happened

by Sheila HartneyKay Hanifen Sam Knight and others
Publication Date: 30/01/2024

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What Really Happened...

Swamp gas?

Weather balloons?

Ball lightning?

That couldn't really have been an atmospheric reflection of Venus, could it?

Heck no!

We're not saying it was aliens, but...

20 stories about What Really Happened

Edited by Sheila Hartney

Executive Editor Sam Knight

Stories by:

Kay Hanifen, C. D. Kester, Julia C. Lewis, Lou J Berger, Margaret Karmazin, Eldon Litchfield, Chad Barger, DW Milton, Christopher Blinn, Sheila Hartney, J. Edward Gregal, Dana Bell , Michael W. Clark, Fulvio Gatti, John M. Campbell, Damien Mckeating, Al Simmons, L.N. Hunter, Z. M. Renick, Lyndi Alexander

Short stories
Publication Date:
​Enrapturing Tales
Sam Knight

Sam Knight is a British journalist who has covered subjects such the plans for the death of the Queen, sandwiches and late capitalism, art fraud; plus profiles of Ronnie O'Sullivan, Jeremy Corbyn, and Theresa May. His work for the Long Read section of the Guardian and for The New Yorker has become influential and wildly shared. 'London Bridge is Down', published in 2017, was viewed 4 million times and remains the most popular Guardian long read ever published. Knight, a staff writer at The New Yorker since 2018, has won two Foreign Press Association awards and was shortlisted for the 2018 Orwell Prize for political writing.

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