This comprehensive volume summarizes the contemporary evidence base for offender assessment and rehabilitation, evaluating commonly used assessment frameworks and intervention strategies in a complete guide to best practice when working with a variety of offenders.
- Presents an up-to-date review of ‘what works’ in offer assessment and rehabilitation, along with discussion of contemporary attitudes and translating theory into practice
- Includes assessment and treatment for different offender types across a range of settings
- Internationally renowned contributors include James McGuire, James Bonta, Clive Hollin, Anthony Beech, Tony Ward, William Lindsay, Karl Hanson, Ray Novaco and William Marshall
- 9781118328934
- 9781118328934
- Criminal or forensic psychology
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Wiley
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