Where There is Light has sold over 200,000 physical copies since it was first published nearly thirty years ago.
Its appeal and success stems from the fact that it provides a popular overview into the writings and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and is often considered a ‘the next book to read’ after Autobiography of a Yogi.
This offers beginner’s instructions on how to meditate.
Topics include:
- Finding wisdom and strength to make life’s decisions
- The antidote for stress, worry, and fear
- Transforming our failures into success
- Security in an uncertain world
- Understanding death
This wisdom-filled volume of selections from the writings and lectures of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, provides a wealth of practical guidance and inspiration for all who are seeking greater spiritual harmony and balance. With even more encouraging and powerful insights than before, this expanded edition of Where There is Light brings the illumination of spiritual understanding to bear on the many challenges of everyday living – awakening a renewed awareness of the infinite potential hidden within each one of us.
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