Whispers of the New Mother

Whispers of the New Mother

by Ashlee C. Whitney
Publication Date: 14/11/2023

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"Whispers of the New Mother" is a compassionate and insightful guide through the complex landscape of postpartum depression and psychosis. Delving into the shadows that often accompany the joy of motherhood, this book offers a nuanced exploration of new mothers' emotional and psychological challenges.

Within its pages, readers will find stories of resilience, coping strategies, treatment, and a roadmap to navigate the tumultuous terrain of postpartum mental health. The book unveils the truth behind the often-silent struggles new mothers face, providing validation, understanding, and practical guidance for those on their journey.

"Whispers of the New Mother" is a beacon of support, offering a comprehensive understanding of postpartum mental health and fostering a sense of community and empowerment. Through its pages, readers will discover that they are not alone in their experiences and will understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment of postpartum and psychosis depression.

Abnormal psychology
Publication Date:
Noah J. Hicks

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