- Market: Paddling continues to increase in popularity; about 38 million people have participated in paddlesports in the United States
- More than 75 true stories of canoeing, kayaking, and rafting rescues from the American Whitewater Accident Database
- Uplifting and inspiring accounts that showcase the courage and ingenuity of whitewater paddlers
- Chapters on near drownings; pins and entrapments; injuries, resuscitations, and evacuations; and more
- Bonus content: strategies for avoiding and managing risk on whitewater
- Lessons learned and practices developed from these (and other) stories have saved countless lives over the years
- Approximately 50–60 whitewater deaths are reported to American Whitewater every year; the best way to combat these tragedies is through education of what to do and what not to do on whitewater, learning from each other and modifying paddling practices as needed
- Accident reports in the American Whitewater Journal led to the creation of American Whitewater’s Online Accident Database, which today contains more than 2,000 entries
- For more than 45 years, the author has maintained the American Whitewater Board’s accident database and has produced bi-annual reports of US whitewater fatalities
- A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to American Whitewater to support its safety, education, and outreach programs
- 9781634043854
- 9781634043854
- True stories of heroism
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Menasha Ridge Press
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