It's fairly clear when a woman pulls away. The piercing radiance of her gaze dims, and she stops responding to sexual advances. Her lack of enthusiasm is discouraging. It's hard not to feel rejected. And for what?
While most men can feel in their guts that something was not quite right, they almost never come to understand the real why and enter the next relationship equally unprepared. Why Women Pull Away offers a deep dive into aspects of female nature that women are unwilling or unable to communicate to men.
Knowledge is a crucial first step towards better responses to a woman's tests, but it's not enough. Men need clear action steps, when under pressure, to avoid cranky turnoffs. That's covered in the Five Masculine Behaviors section of Why Women Pull Away.
As Neurobiologist Andrew Huberman says, "It's hard for the mind to control the mind." Relationship-destructive thoughts, once they take hold, are hard to get rid of. Before a woman's enthusiasm is blunted, specific practiced behaviors get the masculine flowing again.
Only an hour of reading clears up confusion about female nature and describes what women need to stay attracted. A dependable masculine is at the top. Start now, and never suffer another moment of doubt or fear.
Knowing what to do eliminates fear and delivers megatons of energy.
The stress of tension with one's woman drags heavily on the mind and body. Tension is simply a signal. It means something must be different, right away. Women prefer if a man knows what and how, but the first hurdle is her man's fears or insecurities that render him ineffective.
Whether a man is afraid of being dominated or appearing inadequate, primal fears of the feminine are buried deep and pop up uncontrollably.
He carries that limbic system stress alone, and it unconsciously affects communication with with his partner.
No man has the time or energy to keep anti-masculine weaknesses in check. That is a no-win direction. Fortunately, the go-to behaviors described in Why Women Pull Away are exactly what men are designed for and are actually the easiest things a man could do.
The author is uniquely qualified to write about female sexual desire.
Learn about nature's practical joke
Understand how to meet her primary needs
Make her feel how she longs to feel
Learn about the serotonin factor
Discover how to retrain destructive first impulses
…And so much more!
Male Reviewer Comments:
Straight to the point…shortcut to fixing the simple things…cuts through the fog…could change your relationship forever…it's making a difference…game changer…easy to understand…need-to-know information…practical advice…enjoyable read…worth your time.
Female Reviewer Comments:
I couldn't put it down…read it in one sitting…felt so heard…easy-to-understand material…recommend this book…author knows women…gives great insight…super helpful and informative…read this book!…xoxo.
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