The Nature’s Wisdom is A fallen leaf from the tree on the ground never goes back to the tree neither by itself nor by any other means or by any reasons to unite with the existing lively leaves greening the tree.
v The Lesson to be learnt is that once you have been thrown out of your Character, Behaviour, Morals, Ethics, and so on , representing these lively human characteristics as leaves, your Personality is just not lost partially with this fall of any one attribute of greener leaf, but it is lost forever in totality.
v The Book is a Global Campaign Drive to Humanize Management for Ethical Organizational Management Practices with an introductory insight into various NEW Managerial Ethical Excellence Models designed based on Researching, Discovering, Understanding, Training and Learning & Leading on World Leadership Wisdom Management.
v Today’s Management Professionals for Managerial Ethical Excellence have to look beyond the limits of Operating an Organization. The Operations Management, the Financial Management, the Human Resources Management, each and every functions of Management needs redefining their principles of practices for establishing an Ethical Environment of Business & Management.
v My request to all the World Managerial Professionals is to Awake Arise Act Work Intuitionally Spiritually Divinely Opening Mind Improving the Organizational Management Practices for unconditionally transforming it into an Ethical System globally in the World of Businesses.
v Make “WISDOM”, a core area of Functions of Management. Wisdom is Essential in the chain of planning, organizing, commanding, and controlling and so on in the Management System.
v Wisdom is Worthiness .It is a process of integrating all the essential and desirable personal traits of an individual towards accomplishing the operational objectives of an organization by right means.
v The World Leadership Wisdom Management which evolved on its own for Managing of the Outbreak COVID-19 Global Pandemic Worldwide will certainly go down in the pages of History in Golden letters as one of the Biggest Management Challenges of 21st Century.
v It is time for The Globalization of Humanity in Business & Management.
Let us Humanize the Philosophy of Management!

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