Windows PCs in the Ministry

Windows PCs in the Ministry

by Steve Hewitt and Michael Lawson
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 21/02/2010

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Use your Windows computer to its full potential in your ministry!

Church leaders know that ministry demands time, energy, creativity, passion, and commitment. Windows PCs in the Ministry helps instruct time-constrained ministers to better and more efficiently use a tool you already have: your computer. The book provides tips and direction on:

  • Preparing your sermons with online tools and Bible software.

  • Creating presentations and accompanying visuals with multimedia tools.

  • Publishing your sermons and blogs online and on DVDs.

  • Connecting with your congregants and other colleagues in ministry.

  • Using Social Networking, such as Twitter, for more dynamic community outreach.

The ministry of the church has not changed over the centuries, but the methods and tools to accomplish ministry have. Windows PCs in the Ministry shows readers how to harness the programs they already have while making recommendations on new resources, helping church leaders in nearly every aspect of their ministries.

Christian ministry & pastoral activity
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Thomas Nelson

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