This short story, naughtily titled as Winking in Wunderland, is a caustic satire that mocks at the duplicitous wink-and-nudge goings-on in the world of media and mass communication, banking and business. Understandably, Winking in Wunderland jabbingly alludes to the politics of winking and goes out audaciously to link winking to the business of media, particularly of print publications and television.
As you read this short satire, you can feel the plot taking a potshot at the unmistakable pretensions people by lifting the curtain of winking. This short story, you will be surprised to appreciate, lifts the veil on how mediamen wink their way to construct their winky 'stories' for broadcasting and publishing. This satirical short story happens in Wunderland, a wink-wrapped dystopian state, where winking is business as usual.
If you say this short caricature is all about 'winky' journalism and 'winky' movies, you would not be far from being right.
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