Wisdom & Wit 1

Wisdom & Wit 1

by Jacqueline Scott
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 15/01/2018

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Its probably obsolete in your vocabulary, but in the South, its like second nature. Sometimes I think people are bilingual in a different way. Old sayings and wise talesthey make you smile, laugh, and think. It shows examples of listening, showing respect, courting, and reasoning with people. It shows how creative people were in their thinking without realizing it. People had charisma; two cents worth of advice was worth a million dollars. It benefits listening to your elders; everything they say aint crazy! You live, and you learn. Understanding different ways of communicating can be useful and real.

Complementary therapies
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Xlibris US
Jacqueline Scott

Jacqueline Scott is a retired US Army officer. As a Military Intelligence officer, she was assigned as an assistant HAWK platoon leader and then S-2 (intelligence officer) of a HAWK battalion deployed in Germany. After becoming a Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG) officer, she served as an attorney in the 2d Armored Division and the 32d Army Air Defense Command. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama (B.A., English) and Campbell University (J.D.).

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