Women Who Kill

Women Who Kill

by Al Cimino
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 15/07/2019

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Women commit just 4% of homicides in comparison to men. But this disproportion can make their crimes seem all the more shocking.

In this chilling casebook, Al Cimino explores 34 female murderers. We meet 'Angel of Death' Kristen Gilbert who induced multiple cardiac arrests among her patients while working as a hospital nurse, Enriqueta Martí, the 'Vampire of Barcelona' who killed children to make cosmetics, and many more.

These case studies give riveting insight into the lives and motives of women who decided to commit the ultimate transgression. In many of these cases, the women had suffered years of abuse and psychological breakdown before their eventual crimes. Other times their heinous acts seemed to spring from nowhere, with an unpredictability that is haunting. The gruesome details within these pages are not for the faint hearted.

True crime
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Arcturus Publishing
Al Cimino

Al Cimino is a journalist and author who specializes in history and crime. His books include Great Record Labels, Spree Killers, War in the Pacific, Omaha Beach, Battle of Guadalcanal, and Battle of Midway.

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