And The Winner Is…
Announcing the first winners in the 2016 People’s Choice Contest
Miniature Masterpieces
By Kathleen Ryan
Extraordinary Renaissance carving depict religious scenes in minuscule relief
Soapstone Artisty
By Kathleen Ryan
Three sculptors share their tips
No Fear at 94
By Dean Otteson
Nonagenarian Tony Giuffrida fills retirement with creative carving
Heavenly Pews
By Kathleen Ryan
Cindy Chinn combined carving, glass, and light to create angelic art.
Leopard Pattern
Pattern by Gordon and Marsha Stiller
Reference photo, description, and detailed pattern help you carve a lifelike leopard
Carving a Cricifix
By Cindy Chinn
Tips for carving a religious icon
Universal Bench Hook
By Andrew DiPace
Get a grip on carving projects with uneven edges
Folk Art Peacock
By Vernon DePauw
Colorful quilt-inspired design is perfect for Mardi Gras
Carving a North Woods Animal Puzzle
By Nancy Borson
Embellish puzzle pieces with relief carving techniques
Casual Caricature Rabbit
By Leah Goddard and Floyd Rhadigan
This easy Easter bunny will be welcome in any basket
Soapstone Whale
By Julie Kee
Use your woodcarving skills to create this stunning stone sea creature
Big Bad Whale
By Barbara Millikan
Fierce carved wolf is a perfect accessory for days that really bite
Yorkie Dog Caricature
By sandy Smith
A pocket-sized pooch that’s quick to make
Carving a Brook Trout
By Charles Weiss
Use a combination of hand and power tools to shape this realistic fish
Building Noah’s Ark
By Betty Padden
Carve and paint this popular childhood toy
Inlaid Bunny Box
By roger F Wolford
Use liquid inlay to add intricate designs to a remade box
Adding Arms to a Carving
By Oren Quist
Control the grain direction for stronger arms that are easier to carve
Tips for Personalizing a Toolbox
By Rev. Jim Paulson
Ideas to carve, paint, and decorate your toolbox
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