Writing Craft Volume 1: Are You Ready to Publish? & Other Burning Questions

Writing Craft Volume 1: Are You Ready to Publish? & Other Burning Questions

by DeAnna Knippling
Publication Date: 04/01/2021

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Fiction Writers: Lost? Stuck? Stressed?

What writer hasn't asked themselves how they will know when their story is ready to publish? Or how to handle feedback about their stories? Or what to do if they get stuck?

Or, worse, makes a mistake that causes a social media outburst?

Writing Craft Volume 1: Are You Ready to Publish? & Other Burning Questions will answer those questions and more, and give practical advice on a few topics that most writers don't think about ahead of time, like:

  • How to set up reading goals that help you understand the genres you want to write in.

  • How to study fiction in a way that improves your craft and helps you assess others' advice.

  • How to start addressing the business aspects of a writing career so you don't get lost in the promotional weeds.

And, perhaps even more importantly, why.

Writing Craft Volume 1 is all about the care and feeding of writers, the big (and small) issues that can derail a career before it even gets started. But it also provides fundamental concepts about business and craft that can start (gently!) improving your career in the slow, everyday steps that make for lasting and versatile changes.

We'll even talk about how to move forward with your work when all you can see are its imperfections.

If you're struggling to turn a gift for writing into a sustainable, repeatable practice that doesn't depend on mood or inspiration, Writing Craft Volume 1: Are You Ready to Publish? & Other Burning Questions provides a road map for clearing practical and creative blockages out of the way, while introducing craft-development strategies that will last a lifetime.

If you're feeling like you can't write better because you're not writing much at all, Writing Craft Volume 1 is where to start.

Join DeAnna Knippling, veteran writer and ghostwriter of over 70 novels, on a deep, analytical, curiosity-driven dive into the fundamental concepts of good fiction writing in the Writing Craft series. Not only is Writing Craft a handbook breaking down well-known fiction techniques from pacing to red herrings, but at its heart, it is a method to research and invent your own.

Above all, Writing Craft is a book about writing that doesn't just tell you what to do…but addresses and explores the reasons why, so you can decide for yourself.

Buy a copy today, and start understanding why you feel lost—stuck—and stressed by one of the most enjoyable activities known to humankind: playing make-believe.

Creative writing & creative writing guides
Publication Date:
Wonderland Press

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