Wybert Strike First, Strike Fast

Wybert Strike First, Strike Fast

by David James
Publication Date: 11/05/2015

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Wybert Strike First, Strike Fast is a fast moving, all action book, with a generous helping of humor. Written by new author David James and with over on hundred thousand words, it portrays the life of a foot soldier in the time of King Arthur.

Wybert is an uncouth, heavy drinking soldier in King Arthur's Army. He is ambidextrous and fights with twin estocs (swords) and not the broadsword which was more usual at that time. His ability with his swords is soon appreciated by his comrades, particularly when he saves the life of an influential knight, Sir Balin. This act earmarks him for greater things and his reluctant conversion to bathing, wearing clean clothes and swearing less is a painful change for Wybert. However, because of the change he soon begins to see an improvement to his love life! He abandons his coif, a type of leather scull cap and washes his hair for the first time since he left home! Perhaps now he may have a chance with Inogen.

Inogen? She is King Arthur's niece and has often caught Wybert's eye. Her slim lissome figure can often be seen around King Arthur's camp working amongst the women and children when they are sick or suffering. Everyone loves Inogen, but especially Wybert! Although he has many encounters with pretty barmaids and country girls on his travels, Wybert's heart belongs to her.

At a tournament, Wybert buys some Crabbe Paste to remedy a personal problem caught from an encounter with a French girl. The paste proves to be a powerful aphrodisiac which is used to good effect by Wybert and his comrades particularly on a visit to a monastery, where the monks and nuns are forbidden to talk to one another.

Wybert is elevated to knighthood by King Arthur and given a large estate in Cornwall, the former estate of a brave knight who was killed in Arthur's service. With only a friend, a woman and a dog, Wybert travels to claim his inheritance from its present evil incumbent, Sir Saunce Pyte, a renegade knight who refuses to pay tribute to King Arthur. Saunce Pyte learns of Wybert's approach, fills has castle with over a hundred trained soldiers and a goblin and awaits his arrival.

On Wybert's journey he has many adventures and, acting in Arthur's name, rights many wrongs and punishes many wrong doers. He recruits a small band of followers to his cause and with the help of a troubadour he creates a travelling show called the Rats as a disguise for his continuing journey. Wybert Strike First, Strike Fast is full of travel, adventure and humor.

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David James
David James

David James has worked in upholstery manufacture and traditional upholstery restoration since leaving school. He currently teaches upholstery at university level and has recently been awarded an honorary fellowship by Buckinghamshire New University.

This will be David's ninth book on upholstery, which have all been published by GMC. Other titles include Upholstery Techniques and Projects (1994), The Upholsterer's Pocket Reference Book (1996) and Upholstery Restoration (1997).

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