South Waikato in the years 1950 to 1980 saw a period of rapid expansion, based around the increase and improvement of farming, the building of Hydro dams on the Waikato River and the utilisation of pine trees and the building of a large pulp and paper mill at Kinleith. To support this a town ( Tokoroa) grew from a small village to “almost a city”. The local government changes, the building of the infrastructure and the provision of a wide range of amenities are all part of the book. The people who came to the area came from many areas of the world and the developing of a community for all ensued. An amazing range of national and international achievers particularly in sports are also highlighted.
- 9781669881490
- 9781669881490
- General & world history
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Xlibris NZ
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