Underserved Women of Color, Voice, and Resistance

Underserved Women of Color, Voice, and Resistance

by Raquel MoreiraGary L. Lemons Atika Chaudhary and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 20/03/2014

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Contemporary research on the lives and experiences of women of color tends to neglect the influence of women’s perceived access to voice as they manage tensions related to race, class, and gender. Underserved Women of Color, Voice, and Resistance: Claiming a Seat at the Table contributes to current dialogues that construct Black Feminist Theory as active, critical engagement within dominant American institutions that oppress women of color in their daily lives. Women of color face unique social challenges that exist at the intersections of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. While some challenges are common to women of color, others reflect the distinct journey each woman makes as she negotiates her identity within her family, professional circle, social and romantic relationships, and community. The editors have constructed a rich collection of voices in this work exploring the politics of women of color across various social contexts.

Communication studies
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Lexington Books

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