Mother Country

Mother Country

by Stephen Bourne
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 10/08/2010

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Very little attention has been given to black British and West African and Caribbean citizens who lived and worked on the 'front line' during the Second World War. Yet black people were under fire in cities like Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool, London and Manchester, and many volunteered as civilian defence workers, such as air-raid wardens, fire-fighters, stretcher-bearers, first-aid workers and mobile canteen personnel. Many helped unite people when their communities faced devastation. Black children were evacuated and entertainers risked death when they took to the stage during air raids. Despite some evidence of racism, black people contributed to the war effort where they could. The colonies also played an important role in the war effort: support came from places as far away as Trinidad, Jamaica, Guyana and Nigeria. Mother Country tells the story of some of the forgotten Britons whose contribution to the war effort has been overlooked until now.

Second World War
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
The History Press
Stephen Bourne

Stephen Bourne is a leading expert on black British history. He has written for BBC History Magazine and is a regular contributor to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. He is the author of Mother Country: Britain's Black Community on the Home Front 1939-45 and The Motherland Calls: Britain's Black Servicemen and Women. He lives in London.

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