Star Wars and Philosophy

Star Wars and Philosophy

by Jason T. EberlKevin S. Decker and William Irwin
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/04/2005

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The Star Wars films continue to revolutionize science fiction, creating new standards for cinematographic excellence, and permeating popular culture around the world. The films feature many complex themes ranging from good versus evil and moral development and corruption to religious faith and pragmatism, forgiveness and redemption, and many others.

The essays in this volume tackle the philosophical questions from these blockbuster films including: Was Anakin predestined to fall to the Dark Side? Are the Jedi truly role models of moral virtue? Why would the citizens and protectors of a democratic Republic allow it to descend into a tyrannical empire? Is Yoda a peaceful Zen master or a great warrior, or both? Why is there both a light and a dark side of the Force? Star Wars and Philosophy ponders the depths of these subjects and asks what it truly means to be mindful of the "living force."

History of Western philosophy
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Open Court

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