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The Qur'an

The Qur'an

A Complete Revelation

by Sam Gerrans
Publication Date: 01/08/2016

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The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation sheds new and much needed light on the message of the Qur'an; light hitherto impeded by dogma originating entirely outside the Qur'anic narrative, but required by Traditionalist Islam.

Traditionalist Islam claims:

- That the Qur'an may be understood only by reference to a later literature called the hadith

- That, taken together, the Qur'an and the hadith provide the foundation for what is called Islam

- That Islam is a religion in the sense of prescribed dogma, rite and custom

- That by adhering to Islam one aligns oneself with the guidance contained in the Qur'an

- That Islam's emphasis on a Caliphate under Sharia Law originates in the Qur'an

The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation illustrates where and how such claims - as well as others Traditionalist Islam makes - are at unambiguous variance with the Qur'an.

The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation employs a systematic method of lexical evaluation, one which accepts the Qur'an's internal definitions of key words as binding, and derives the meanings of other key terms on the basis of pan-textual comparison and analysis - which values it then enforces with rigid consistency across the entire translated text.

The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation also draws the reader's attention to the substance of the Qur'anic narrative in areas long disregarded by the religion which today claims monopoly rights over it, including:

- Muhammad as a fallible man, one whose knowledge of God was limited to the Qur'anic revelation

- The Qur'an's emphasis on piety and good works as desirable irrespective of group affiliation

- The absence - contrary to the Traditionalist's expectations - of an external saviour figure

- The existence and features of God's time-honoured protocol for destroying tyrannical systems

- The implication that God's warranted destruction of evil is contingent upon actions by believers

The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation (Reference Edition - Parallel Text) features:

- The Qur'anic revelation presented in continuous Arabic-English parallel text

- Layout as an aide-memoire intended to benefit English-speaking students of the Qur'an in Arabic

- Largest possible font sizes for both Arabic and English in the parallel text

- Unobtrusive system of references linking 9,000 notes with the corpus of the translation

- Appendix comprising twenty-four articles which expand on points referenced in the notes

- Cohesive and comprehensive explanation of the historically elusive muqatta'at

- Logical numbering conventions designed to expedite navigation across content

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Quranite Publishing
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