Whiteboard Selling

Whiteboard Selling

by David Jenkins and Corey Sommers
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 22/04/2016

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Create compelling whiteboard presentations to engage your customers and win their business

Whiteboard Selling offers a step-by-step approach to transforming your message and selling style by using powerful visual stories that inspire and engage customers and prospects. Free your sales force from relying on slides and other static sales tools during the sales process. Whiteboard Selling offers practical guidance and skills to enable marketing and sales teams to quickly adopt visual story telling practices that apply to today's fast-moving, competitive selling environment.

  • Explains how to take a sales message inventory

  • Illustrates how to design your visual stories

  • Empowers your sales force to tell the story and extend the reach of visual storytelling

Through the power of technology and effective storytelling, you and your team can create and deliver effective presentations that engage your customers, hold their attention, and win their business. Whiteboard Selling shows you how.

Sales & marketing
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
David Jenkins

David Jenkins graduated in Arts/Law from the University of Melbourne and was an Asia foreign correspondent for many years. He covered the wars in South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos for the Melbourne Herald and was the Jakarta correspondent in 1969-70. Awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study the communist insurgency in northeastern Thailand, he went on to run the Associated Press bureau in Vientiane during the final years of the Second Indochina War. After a four-year posting in Jakarta for the Far Eastern Economic Review, he wrote Suharto and His Generals- Indonesian Military Politics, 1975-83. Jenkins was foreign editor, and later Asia editor, of the Sydney Morning Herald and a senior research fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra.

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