Political Transition in Cambodia 1991-99

Political Transition in Cambodia 1991-99

by David Roberts
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 29/04/2016

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This book illustrates the limits to the 1990s UNTAC peacekeeping intervention in Cambodia and raises a critical challenge to the assumptions underpinning key tenets of the 'Liberal Project' as a mechanism for resolving complex, severe struggles for elite political power in developing countries.

The book highlights the limitations of externally imposed power-sharing. In the case of Cambodia, the imagined effect was a coalition that would share power democratically. However, this approach was appropriate only for resolving the superpower conflict that had created Cambodia's war. Rather than bringing long-term peace to Cambodia, Roberts argues, it created the temporary illusion of a democratic system that in fact recreated the military conflict and housed it in a superficial coalition.

The book challenges assumptions regarding the inevitability of the globalization of liberalism as a means of ordering non-western societies. It explains the failure of democratic transition in terms of the impropriety and weakness of the plan which preceded it, and in terms of the elite's traditional reliance on absolutism and resistance to the concept of 'Opposition'.

Ethnic studies
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis
David Roberts

David Roberts has earned great acclaim for his distinctive illustrations. David's work includes collaborations with his sister Lynn on retellings of several classic fairy stories - their book Little Red was shortlisted for the 2005 CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal.

David's first collaboration with Julia Donaldson - Tyrannosaurus Drip - was published in 2007 by Macmillan, and since then they have worked together on several other picture books.

David is also the illustrator of the New York Times bestselling Rosie Revere, Engineer and Ada Twist, Scientist written by Andrea Beaty. David Roberts has been fascinated by the suffragists since his school days, and his illustrated history of the fight for women's suffrage is a real passion project.

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