

by Desmond Morris
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 30/11/2012

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Peoplewatching is the culmination of a career of watching people - their behaviour and habits, their personalities and their quirks. Desmond Morris shows us how people, consciously and unconsciously, signal their attitudes, desires and innermost feelings with their bodies and actions, often more powerfully than with their words.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Random House
Desmond Morris

Desmond Morris (b. January 24, 1928) is a zoologist and ethnologist, who rose to fame in 1967 when he published The Naked Ape. He earned an undergraduate degree at the University of Birmingham, and then a Ph.D. at Oxford University.

In the 1960s, his TV show Zoo Time for ITV drew a wide audience of British viewers. His work includes that as curator of the mammal section in the London Zoo. His research focuses on animal and human behaviour explained from a sociobiological and zoological point of view.

He has authored many books, and has produced and curated a series of popular science TV programs. Morris is also famous for his painting, significantly contributing to the British Surrealist movement. His first one-man exhibition took place in 1948, and since then he has never stopped showing his art, his work often being compared to that of Miró.

In 1957 he curated an exhibition of paintings and drawings made by chimpanzees at the Institute of Contemporary Art Institute in London. Desmond Morris has always been a great football fan, and was technical director of the Oxford United Football Club from 1977 to 1984. He is still actively involved in broadcasting, painting, and soccer.

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