Bradshaw's Guide Scotlands Railways West Coast - Carlisle to Inverness

Bradshaw's Guide Scotlands Railways West Coast - Carlisle to Inverness

by Campbell McCutcheon and John Christopher
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 10/07/2014

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Bradshaw's Guide of 1863 was the staple book to what's what and where's where for the mid-Victorians and it gives the reader a unique insight into the world of the nineteenth century travellers. The railways themselves opened up Scotland properly to tourism for the first time, and many journeys that once took days to complete could now be undertaken in hours, bringing its many attractions within the reaches of the masses. This illustrated guide records the sights to be seen in the towns and cities encountered along the route. 'Bradshaw's Guides were invaluable in their time and they provide the modern-day reader with a fascinating insight into the nineteenth century rail traveller's experience.' Campbell McCutcheon takes us through the west coast and Highlands of Bradshaw's Scotland, using contemporary Victorian and Edwardian photographs and postcards to illustrate the scenes that the users of Bradshaw's Guide to Scotland's Railways would have experienced. This volume covers primarily the lines of the Caledonian, Glasgow & South Western, Scottish Central and Highland Railways and the geographical area of the west coast and highlands.

Trains & railways: general interest
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Amberley Publishing
John Christopher

John Christopher was the pen-name of Sam Youd, a celebrated and influential writer of science fiction. Youd was born in Huyton, Lancashire in 1922, and began his career as an author after serving in World War II.

Many of Youd's novels for adults and children are considered classics, including The Death of Grass, The Guardians, and the four books in his Tripods series, which were adapted successfully for television in the 1980s.

Sam Youd died in 2012, aged 89.

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