John Broome and Rebecca Lloyd Vol. I

John Broome and Rebecca Lloyd Vol. I

by Barbara Broome Semans
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 16/01/2020

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This book follows the lives of an American family started by John Broome and Rebecca Lloyd after they married in 1769. They already were supporters of the patriot cause and John actively participated in the Revolution. After the Revolution he helped establish the first U.S. government in New York City. Before he died, John Broome had a street in New York City, a county in New York State, and a town in New York named for him.

John and Rebecca had nine children. Three of them had descendants whose lives form these two volumes. Over a period of 235 years these three children and their spouses produced over 280 descendants. Together with their spouses and their spouses families there are a total of over 900 related persons mentioned in these two volumes. There are over 80 pictures.

Volume I covers the 1st throught the 5th generations of descendants and their spouses. Though many sources are given throughout Volume I, all endnotes for sources are in Volume II. In addition to the Broome family, Volume I has stories of the families of Allen, Boarman, Boggs, Brunnow, Cochran, Hoadley, Keyworth, Livingston, McGlassin, Miller, Nevins, OGorman, OHare, Prince, Randall, Ray, Roller, Sampson, Schempf, Schilling, Shaw, Stevens, Tappan, Toole, and many more in America; and from Europe, de Courval, de Gallifet, de Ligne, de Noailles, and Orlowski.

As you read their stories you also follow the evolving development of New York City from its dirt streets and hills to its expansion up Manhattan Island from Wall Street to Greenwich Village to 5th Avenue mansions, from combination business/residences to skyscrapers and high-rise apartments. Youll see who made money and how. Youll see who had harder times financially. Throughout, youll learn how they lived, what they did, and what interested them. Youll see how later generations moved to other parts of America and to Europe. You can read what was written about these people in the newspapers both the good and the bad.

Family & relationships
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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