Encyclopedia of Television Pilots

Encyclopedia of Television Pilots

by Vincent Terrace
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 26/03/2020

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On November 27, 1937, NBC presented TV's first pilot film, Sherlock Holmes (then called an "experiment"). Thousands of pilot films (both unaired and televised) have been produced since. This updated and restyled book contains 2,470 alphabetically arranged pilot films broadcast from 1937 to 2019. Entries contain the concept, cast and character information, credits (producer, writer, director), dates, genre and network or cable affiliation. In addition to a complete performer's index, two appendices have been included: one detailing the pilot films that led to a series and a second that lists the programs that were spun off from one series into another. Never telecast pilot films can be found in the companion volume, The Encyclopedia of Unaired Television Pilots, 1945-2018. Both volumes are the most complete and detailed sources for such information, a great deal of which is based on viewing the actual programs.

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Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
Vincent Terrace

Vincent Terrace is a television historian for BPOLIN Productions, a film/TV production company. He has written more than thirty books, including Television Series of the 1950s: Essential Facts and Quirky Details, Television Series of the 1960s: Essential Facts and Quirky Details, Television Series of the 1970s: Essential Facts and Quirky Details, Television Series of the 1980s: Essential Facts and Quirky Details, Television Series of the 1990s: Essential Facts and Quirky Details, and Television Series of the 2000s: Essential Facts and Quirky Details, all published by Rowman & Littlefield.

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