Armies of the Thracians & Dacians, 500 BC–AD 150

Armies of the Thracians & Dacians, 500 BC–AD 150

by Gabriele Esposito
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 04/10/2022

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A history of these warring armies who dominated the ancient world, with eighty detailed photos and illustrations of equipment.

The Thracians, mentioned as early as the eighth century BC in Homer’s Iliad, were fundamental in the evolution of Greek military systems across the ages. They fought in the Persian Wars, were part of Alexander the Great’s army, were used as mercenaries in many Hellenistic armies, and resisted Roman conquest for a long time. In addition, they used some iconic weapons and had a distinctive panoply.

The Dacians were a mix of different cultures and were extremely influenced by some steppe peoples, such as the Sarmatians. They had a lot in common with the Thracians, but had a different history. They formed one of the largest and most powerful kingdoms of antiquity, a sort of superpower that dominated over the Balkans. Their wars against Trajan and the Roman Army were absolutely epic, the last campaigns of conquest in the history of the Western Roman Empire. This book about the Thracians and Dacians features a rich collection of photos specifically created for it by reenactors.

Weapons & equipment
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Pen & Sword Books
Gabriele Esposito

Gabriele Esposito is an Italian researcher and a long-time student of military history. His main field of research is the military of 19th-century Latin America, but his interests range from the Ancient world to modern post-colonial conflicts. He has published several works in the UK, including MAA 499 Armies of the War of the Triple Alliance 1864-70 and MAA 504 Armies of the War of the Pacific 1879 83, and is a regular contributor to many specialized magazines. He lives in Italy

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