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Gothic War: Rome's Final Conflict in the West

Gothic War: Rome's Final Conflict in the West

Rome's Final Conflict in the West

by Torsten Jacobsen
Publication Date: 01/06/2009

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A period of stability in the early sixth century A.D. gave the Eastern Roman emperor Justinian an opportunity to recapture parts of the Western Empire which had been lost to invading barbarians in the preceding centuries. It was an ambitious plan to attack such a vast territory with relatively few soldiers and resources. Yet Justinian's forces succeeded in checking the Persians in the East and in retaking North Africa, Dalmatia, parts of Spain, and Italy. The latter had been conquered in 493 by the Ostrogoths, the strongest and most organized Barbarian tribe in the West, and the climactic conflict over Italy between 535 and 554 the Gothic War decided the political future of Europe, holding in its balance the possibility that the Roman Empire might rise again. Written as a general overview of this critical period, The Gothic War opens with an introduction to Justinian's world and then sets the stage by describing the peace with Persia and the successful conquest of the Vandals in Africa which made the war against the Ostrogoths possible. After an account of the Ostrogothic tribe and their history, the campaigns of the long war are described in detail, including the famous battles of Busta Gallorum and Mons Lactarius as well as the sieges of Rome, which turned the great city from a bustling metropolis into a desolate ruin. The war also featured many of history's most colourful antagonists, such as the Byzantine general Narses the Eunuch, and the Goths' ruthless and brilliant tactician, Totila. Two appendices provide information about the armies of the Romans and Ostrogoths, including their organization, weapons, and tactics, all of which changed over the course of the war. 20 b/w illustrations & maps
Publication Date:
Westholme Publishing, U.S.
Country of origin:
United States
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