Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Cat Lover's Companion

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Cat Lover's Companion

by Bathroom Readers' Institute
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 22/03/2022

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A compendium of funny feline facts and strange stories even more entertaining than a stuffed mouse on a stick!

The relationship between cats and us lower animals cannot be summed up in mere words, but leave it to Uncle John to try anyway. Curl up with the Cat Lover’s Companion, and you’ll explore the unique, amusing, and mysterious side of the common housecat (Felis domesticus).

Read about the origins of your favorite breeds, meet some kitty movie stars, and decipher those strange feline mannerisms. Then take a catnap. Then run wildly around your house for no apparent reason. Then read about a cat raised by a gorilla, a cat that uses the toilet (for its intended purpose), and much, much more!

Cats as pets
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Printers Row
Bathroom Readers' Institute

The Bathroom Readers' Institute is a tight-knit group of loyal and skilled writers, researchers, and editors who have been working as a team for years. The BRI understands the habits of a very special market—Throne Sitters—and devotes itself to providing amazing facts and conversation pieces.

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