Avenging Nature

Avenging Nature

by Anastasia CardoneFrank Izaguirre Laura de la Parra and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 28/09/2020

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“Nature, thou art my goddess”—Edmund’s bold assertion in King Lear could easily inspire and, at the same time, function as a lamentation of the inadequate respect of nature in culture. In this volume, international experts provide multidisciplinary exploration of the insubordinate representations of nature in modern and contemporary literature and art. The work foregrounds the need to reassess how nature is already, and has been for a while, striking back against human domination. From the perspective of literary studies, art, history, media studies, ethics and philosophy, and ethnology and anthropology, Avenging Nature highlights the need of assessing insurgent discourses that—converging with counter-discourses of race, gender or class—realize the empowerment of nature from its subaltern position. Acknowledging the argument that cultural representations of nature establish a relationship of domination and exploitation of human discourse over nonhuman reality and that, in consequence, our regard for nature as humanist critics is instrumental and anthropocentric, the present volume advocates for the view that the time has come to finally perceive nature’s vengeance and to critically probe into nature’s ongoing revenge against the exploitation of culture.

Social impact of environmental issues
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Lexington Books
Jessica Roberts

Jessica Roberts writes, draws and films stories. She has a Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design, and a Foundation Diploma in film studies. Originally from Kyneton, Victoria, Jessica grew up surrounded by an odd collection of pets including dogs, quails, chickens, sheep, goats, rabbits and a donkey.

Her stories often involve animals and she uses her childhood memories of growing up in the country as a bank of ideas for storytelling. She’s now a city slicker living in Sydney.

A trip to Egypt in 2009 inspired the idea for her first book, Bab Sharkey and The Animal Mummies: The Weird Beard, to be released in April 2018 by Walker Books Australia.

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