The World Air Power Guide

The World Air Power Guide

by David Wragg
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 31/01/2020

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Compiled by the author of Janes Air Forces of the World, this book is a must for aviation experts.In one volume the reader will find the composition and details of all air elements of a staggering 169 nations air forces and, where they exist, army air, naval air and such paramilitary organizations as the US Coast Guard Service.By definition such a book must be regularly updated and David Wragg has researched his subject right up to the minute. This latest book supersedes the authors early book in the Jane series.

Air forces & warfare
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Pen & Sword Books
David Wragg

Born into a naval family in 1946 David Wragg was educated in England and Malta. He has worked in journalism and PR , writing for The Sunday Telegraph and Spectator and Scotsman.

Retired as head of Corporate Communications with the RBS to become a consultant and author. Has published with Harper Collins, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Suttons, Hale, and others. Lives in Edinburgh.

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