Sam has a lot of imagination. He loves robots and looks at the stars, imagining that robots live there. But Sams parents are so busy doing mundane, ordinary things like vacuuming and gardening that they have have lost all their imagination. Although Sam and his parents speak the same language, they dont understand each other. Sam wants to share his beliefs and the only one who can understand him is... a robot. Thanks to his imagination, Sam builds Franky out of the ordinary objects his parents use. Although Franky and Sam dont speak the same language they DO understand each other because they share the same imagination and passion. Thats why they become such good friends.
- 9781927271933
- 9781927271933
- Picture books
- Age range:
- + years old
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Pages:
- 48
- Dimensions (mm):
- 248x266x11mm
- Weight:
- 0.46kg
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