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If you need the address updated on your current order please use the form below to contact us.
If your order has just been placed, you can cancel the order in your account and place a new order with the correct address. We allow 30 minutes after each order has been submitted for the customer to self-cancel their order.
Self-service cancelling an order within 30 minutes of it being placed:
Sign-in to your account using the option at the top of the website page. * If you made a guest purchase then create an account using the same email address used for the guest purchase (PayPal Express users should create an account using the email linked to their PayPal account).
After you have signed-in to your account, select 'Order History' from the dropdown menu at the top of the page, on the left side.
Select the order you placed and for each item you wish to cancel, use the drop-down menu alongside to cancel that item (as shown in the image below).
Cancelling or changing an address on an order more than 30 minutes from the order being placed:
If you need to cancel an order after the 30-minute cancellation window has passed, or change the address on a current order, please complete the form below. Fill in as much information as possible to assist our customer service team to process your request.
Where possible we will cancel an order or update the address, however due to the quick processing times this is not always possible.