Displaying results 1-48 of 1,968 Differential calculus & equations
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Fractional Differential and Integral Operators with Respect to a Function
by Abdon Atangana and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
100 Solved Exercises: First-Degree Equations
Localization Approaches in Strongly Indefinite Problems
by Yanheng Ding and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Classification of Lipschitz Mappings
by Torrey M. Gallagher and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
ODE/IM Correspondence and Quantum Periods
by Katsushi Ito and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
New Tools in Mathematical Analysis and Applications
by Marcelo R. Ebert and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
The Duffing Equation
by Lakshmi Burra and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Nonlinear Differential Equations in Ordered Spaces
by S. Carl and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Chaotic Modelling and Simulation
by Christos H. Skiadas and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Unilateral Contact Problems
by Christof Eck and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Advanced Calculus
by John PetrovicDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Quantitative Approximations
by George AnastassiouDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Differential Equations
by Saber N. ElaydiDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Computational Mathematics in Engineering and Applied Science
by W.E. SchiesserDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Control of Partial Differential Equations
by Giuseppe Da Prato and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Wavelets, Images, and Surface Fitting
by Pierre-Jean Laurent and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Second Order Elliptic Integro-Differential Problems
by Maria Giovanna Garroni and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Metasolutions of Parabolic Equations in Population Dynamics
by Julián López-GómezDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Discrete Dynamical Systems and Difference Equations with Mathematica
by Mustafa R.S. Kulenovic and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Operational Calculus and Related Topics
by A. P. Prudnikov and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Adaptive Method of Lines
by A. Vande Wouwer and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Mixed Boundary Value Problems
by Dean G. DuffyDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
The Curve Shortening Problem
by Kai-Seng Chou and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Inverse Boundary Spectral Problems
by Alexander Kachalov and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Topological Degree Theory and Applications
by Yeol Je Cho and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Improper Riemann Integrals
by Ioannis RoussosDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Theorems of Leray-Schauder Type And Applications
by Radu PrecupDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Stabilization of Programmed Motion
by E Ya SmirnovDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Ramanujan - The Divine Mathematics
by Leon WinterDigital Delivery -
Mathematical Aspects of Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Systems
by A.G. Kulikovskii and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Handbook of Sinc Numerical Methods
by Frank StengerDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems
by F.V. Atkinson and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Decomposition Analysis Method in Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations
by Kansari HaldarDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Exact Solutions and Invariant Subspaces of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics and Physics
by Victor A. Galaktionov and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Dynamics of Third-Order Rational Difference Equations with Open Problems and Conjectures
by Elias Camouzis and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Stable Solutions of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
by Louis DupaigneDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Almost Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Spaces
by Yoshiyuki Hino and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Generalized Calculus with Applications to Matter and Forces
by Luis Manuel Braga de Costa CamposDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Boundary Control and Variation
by Jean-Paul ZolesioDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Elliptic Operators, Topology, and Asymptotic Methods
by John RoeDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Elliptic Theory on Singular Manifolds
by Vladimir E. Nazaikinskii and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Generation of Multivariate Hermite Interpolating Polynomials
by Santiago Alves TavaresDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by Continuous Groups
by George EmanuelDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Method of Averaging for Differential Equations on an Infinite Interval
by Vladimir BurdDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Hypersingular Integrals and Their Applications
by Stefan SamkoDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Chebyshev Polynomials
by J.C. Mason and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
Communications in Difference Equations
by Saber N. Elaydi and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe) -
New Trends in Difference Equations
by Saber N. Elaydi and othersDigital DeliveryEpub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)