Exclusive to Kobo Aura ONE, the book-style Kobo SleepCover allows for hands-free reading by folding the front flap into a stand. The ultra-thin soft PU leather case doesn’t add bulk and turns your eReader on and off when you open and close the magnetic cover.
Exclusive to Kobo Aura ONE
Ultra-thin, soft leather protective case with magnetic closure
Built-in stand for hands-free reading
Smart auto wake/sleep technology – Open to read, close to sleep
EReader Accessories
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Hi There, Did you know that you can save books into your library to create gift lists, reading lists, etc? You can also mark books that you're reading, or want to read.
I like the protection the SleepCover gives my Kobo ereader. I consider it an essential. Also how it "sleeps" as soon as you close it and back to the page you were reading as soon as you open it again. It fits perfectly, and is comfortable to hold. I have only used the stand feature once and it worked fine. I like it.
Although I like the sleep cover, I would have liked a choice of colours. I ordered 2 because we have two Kobo Aura Ones. The only way to tell them apart is to open the cover to see what is being read.
I am going to review the Kobo Aura One. Extremely disappointed with this e-reader. The battery only last two to three days at the most. I have to keep the charging available near the bed so I can continue reading of an evening. The inbuilt light keeps dimming for no reason. The percentage/page read of the book keeps changing by itself from pages read to percentage read. The battery life is a major problem. The other problem are minor but annoying.
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