A simply brilliant eReader
Kobo Clara HD is the perfect reading companion for any booklover. It always provides the best light to read by with ComfortLight PRO, and a natural, print-like reading experience on its superior 6” HD screen.
Easily customizable features help customers new to eReading to read the way they prefer. With 8 GB of on-board memory and the ability to carry up to 6,000 eBooks, Kobo Clara HD always has room for your next escape
•6” high definition Carta E Ink touchscreen delivers a print-quality reading experience
•ComfortLight PRO provides the best light no matter the time of day, gradually reducing blue-light exposure for more comfortable nighttime reading
•Store up to 6,000 eBooks with 8GB of memory
Key Specs:
- Height: 156mm Width: 110mm Thickness: 8.7mm
•6” Carta E-Ink touchscreen, 300 ppi, print quality
•ComfortLight PRO automatically changes colour temperature to help reduce blue-light exposure
•8GB of on-board memory, store up to 6,000 eBooks
•512 MB RAM for the most demanding content •Get weeks of battery life on a single charge*
*Battery life varies by usage.
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